Sunday, December 6, 2009

spiced veggie side dish

While listening to Mcfly and thinking about what to eat for lunch i decided to use up the bag of coleslaw mix thats been sitting in the fridge unopened since I had no veggies at all today(bad i know but we need to go shopping...) so I came up with this side dish to go with a quorn naked cutlet that i found hiding in the freezer(these are not vegan though) and it was delicious and filling!

Spiced Veggie side dish

2 handfulls of bagged coleslaw mix per person

2/3 cup other veggies per person (i used frozen green beans)

1 Tbs braggs liquid aminos per person

ground pepper, chili powder, ginger to taste

olive oil or oil spray
-preheat pan to medium high and defrost any thing frozen (the other veg. or quorn cutlet)
-mix liquid aminos together with the spices except the pepper
-cook cole slaw mix until crisp tender then add other veg until cooked until desired, add liquid aminos mix and stir, add pepper
- serve. this is really good, I almost forgot I was eating veggies!

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