our poodle/ lab mix muffin has an allergy to the store bought dog food so we decided to make our own. its fairly cheap and super easy so if you have a dog and you want their diet to be healthier and cheaper give this a try
little less than a lb of some type of meat in small chunks (we used lamb but you could also use chicken, pork ground beef or fish)
chopped up organ meat (once in a while, theyre very nutrient rich and can make your dog sick)
1 can carrots, drained
2 cups oatmeal cooked like mush, or rice (once in a while stir in an egg when the oats are hot)
flax seeds (opt)
cook the meat (if using oil then use olive oil, its healthiest for dogs).
let everything cool and mix together.
portion everything into storage containers (our dog is medium/ large size so this recipe made enough for 4 servings of food, more or less depending on the size of your dog).
either freeze and heat in the microwave or keep in the fridge for a few days and serve cold